AURA Landing Pages
AURA is a custom haircare company that offers users a 3-step hair care ritual based on answers to a quiz. AURA uses high-quality formulas that target top hair concerns such as moisture retention, repair and volume.
The task
As a Senior UX Designer at eSalon, I was tasked with creating a landing page to help the acquisitions team convert new users into purchasers of their haircare products. With a target audience of users unfamiliar with AURA’s 3-step ritual bundle and best sellers, the goal was to design a page that effectively measured the click-through rate.
Despite the request coming from the acquisitions team, we collaborated closely with the product team to ensure accurate representation of the products in the layout. I also worked with the brand and copy teams to ensure the messaging was cohesive and compelling.
My approach
Before designing the landing page, I conducted a competitive analysis within the hair care industry as well as with brands outside the industry, such as candles and wine. While elements from the flagship website were incorporated, this approach ensured the design was unique yet consistent with AURA’s core visuals.
The process
The design process began with understanding the brief and goals from the acquisitions and product teams, asking clarifying questions, and conducting thorough research. I then created mid-fidelity wireframes, progressing to high-fidelity wireframes as I received more information and the deadline approached. Key design decisions included ensuring the content was easy to read, highly visible, and balanced in terms of type hierarchy, image choice, shapes, and layout.
AURA Landing Page for Personalized 3 Step Ritual
AURA Landing Page for Best Sellers
The feedback and handoff
The feedback from stakeholders was positive, with approval of the overall design and praise for the harmonious colors and shapes used. We decided to create two additional pages for the second round: the 3-step ritual and Best Sellers, which would launch simultaneously. For the development team, I specified the interactions, such as user scrolling within the user-generated content, clicking on PR quotes, and animation behaviors. These guidelines were provided as notes in Figma, along with prototypes for both mobile and desktop versions.
What I learned
I learned the importance of thinking and designing quickly, as there will always be decisions that deviate from the plan or team members who may not fully understand the goal initially. Navigating these challenges requires effective communication to get the necessary answers. I also honed the art of maintaining a balanced dialogue with stakeholders to ensure they not only see my user-focused vision but also trust me as an expert to deliver the best user experience that meet business goals.
Shaping design with color, youth and craft.
📍Remote and Kansas City